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  1. D

    Case 3200 - rebuilt with all new parts - Handle needs to be held down 3 - 5 seconds to flush

    Also, it fills very slowly. Takes about five or ten minutes to fill up. Sometimes it does not stop ringing. I think part of the problem may be the parts need lubricant, IS WD-40 silicone Specialist the correct lubricant? Any ideas?
  2. D

    case 3200 replacement

    Do you have instructions or a diagram of what the install parts would look like or a diagram?
  3. D

    case 3200 replacement

    Hi Terry, I am debating replacing the case 3200 with a standard wall mount 4 bolt design. I reviewed your discussion about the case 3000 and found it informative. Will the case 3200 carrier be similar to the one for the case 3000? Do you have a picture of the wall with the hanger support before...
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