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  1. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    All, Question is where to to order parts for my confiquration as I would like to get this started . Thank you all for your knowledge,recommendations, and help.
  2. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Bannerman who can I go to to order parts for my confiquration as I would like to get this running I appreciate all your knowledge
  3. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Valveman looking over the 1st design which I will use I gateher I will need to run two independent circuits one for the well pump and the float switch the second would be the pressure tank and inline hallmark pump correct?
  4. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Valveman, Thank you for this information with your advise I am returning the new IBC tank to tractor supply and placing an order for a larger 500 gallon vertical tank. That said I believe you mentioned to install a Booster pump to use my New Goulds Hydropro V60 Pressure tank. As stated I will...
  5. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Valveman also any help on the wiring would be greatly appreciated also thank you again.
  6. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Valveman, Thank you so much need to set this up as well goes dry and recover takes awhile so need to have back up running and then eventually have the well pump feed the tank. Question is the wiring as depicted in the 1st design with the float acting as the switch to stop the well pump what...
  7. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Thank you for all the information extremely useful! I have already invested in the 250 Gallon New IBC tank and have this in my walk down basement that is clean so you are recommending a submersible pump (N) then as depicted in 1st design correct. I would gather my well pump would need to be...
  8. G

    Back Up Water Storage Tank for Home

    Hi everyone I am new here. I am trying to intall in my basement a 250 gallon IBC tank for back up as my well runs dry often and need back up to keep peace in my home. I can pump water in from my well when sufficient or looking to have water delivered. I would like option to run from tank and...
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