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    Navien NPE-240s-NG Suddenly 93 degrees versus 120

    Thank you for this information, it is exactly what I needed. Turns out it was the PCB. replaced it and now I have hot water again.
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    Navien NPE-240s-NG Suddenly 93 degrees versus 120

    It is not. it is only 9 years old. Navien has been completely unhelpful. Turns out it was a bad PCB. just replaced it and I have hot water again. Well, for now...
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    Navien NPE-240s Luke warm water

    My Navien NPE-240s-NG has stopped providing hot water, the water that comes out is only lukewarm. Here is the story. Started leaking water out the condenser pipe like crazy. Had a plumber confirm that the heat exchanger was bad. Bought a new heat exchanger and replaced it. Worked fine for...
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    Navien NPE-240s-NG Suddenly 93 degrees versus 120

    I realize that this message is a little old, but I just saw this. My Navien NPE-240s-NG has done the same thing. Here is the story. Started leaking water out the condenser pipe like crazy. Had a plumber confirm that the heat exchanger was bad. Bought a new heat exchanger and replaced it...
Hey, wait a minute.

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