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  1. S

    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    Well on to plan B again. Jobe said I need 5psi for the Topaz to work so there goes that idea. With the Solenoid is there an issue with it being open for hours on end while filling? I read that burns them out. Also what do you use for a power supply? Just like a 24volt wall wart? Any sensors...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    Thank you for suggesting Jobe! I talked with them and their idea of "slow close" is 3 seconds. My idea was the 30 minutes that my current ball and stick takes. So yes the Jobe Side Mount Topaz valve seems like the best solution. This is going to be much easier than trying to rig up some sort...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    The ball valve I linked says normally closed. So I assume that means it is closed if no power. If power goes out it will close itself. This solenoid could be open sometimes 5-6 hours at a time? I heard thats not good for them? Is that accurate?
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    I still have not had luck on these non-modulating float valves. It sounds perfect in concept but they are all giant commercial units when I search. I did send an email to Jobe, but none of their units talked about a quick turn off. In fact some said slower turn off was a feature. This setup...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    The tank has a curved bottom so the weight would end up in the center. It is not very tall and I want this to trigger to let water in as soon as it starts to go down. The pump takes it down about 1.5 inches when it runs and it takes about 15 minutes of flow for that to refill. I'm worried one...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    Oh I might have found them. Can someone that knows what they are doing look at these If I got something like this...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    So I am worried the float valve won't work right in this tank. The ones with the long cords. Anything like this that can directly control a solenoid valve? Basically I can put a hole in the top of the tank and...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    So a non-modulating float valve would be great, however all I see are ones that are like 6" wide and thousands of dollars for commercial applications. I need a in in house basement water tank solution.
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    so I am not able to find a float switch like that. They are all for sump pumps and activate when water is high. I want something to activate when water is low. I do not know about solenoid valves (especially how they are powered) that is why I liked this plug in ball valve. I assume it is...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    So yes it has to close when power is off to it does not floor the basement this tank is sitting in if power was to fail. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    I see some nice plug in ball valves I could use that I assume activate to open when powered and closed when not (normally closed). I could use that possibly but would need some other sort of sensor that controls the plug. I see they make them for sump pumps but they turn on when the water...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    out of water. Yes potable. If it is full all the way that 4" ball on a 10" rod (like a old toilet float) pushes the 1" valve all the way shut. However when its at 80% full that 1" value is dumping out water then at 90% it might reduce the flow to about half as the ball has moved up some. At...
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    Need float valve to turn off instantly not gradually

    I have a water tank that is currently being filled by a typical float valve with a ball on a stick. Due to another issue (that I won't get into) I need this to turn off instantly (or pretty close to instant) rather than gradually as the ball rises and gets closer and closer to closing it. I...
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    Plumbing question on shared-gravity fed-artesian well that I can't see to get help with since no one has ever seen this before

    So it is an artesian well so the water is just forced out from ground pressure. Our whole village is under a big lake that is pushing to get out. The well they drilled down the street overflows at 75 gallons a minute into a stream (any there are dozens of those). So that water is being pushed...
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    Plumbing question on shared-gravity fed-artesian well that I can't see to get help with since no one has ever seen this before

    I need some plumbing/well advice for a situation that I’m pretty sure no one has seen before. Sorry this is long, but thank you for reading an trying to help. I’ve contacted a few plumbers and well companies and once I describe it, they say they won’t touch it. I purchased a property with a...
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