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  1. Tobias.d

    What is the max safe working pressure for RO membranes?

    I used it for years with 120psi pressure, it worked properly and gave more rejection. Now i have a stronger pump and i wonder about its true limits. There are people who say that up to 300 psi of membrane will not be damaged, i wish i could confirm this from a professional.
  2. Tobias.d

    What is the max safe working pressure for RO membranes?

    RO membranes work more efficiently under high pressure, they have better rejection rate; so to what level can I increase the pressure? (for domestic tfc membrane) This value is stated as 150 psi on Dupont's site, will the membrane be damaged around this amount of pressure, shorten its lifespan...
  3. Tobias.d

    Can a double pass RO system be made with residential ro membrane?

    These chemicals appear dangerous in my hand. If it is effective in purification, I can risk it and use corosex. If the membrane can remain durable as 1-2 years (It will produce drinking water for 3 people) The TDS level of the product water of the second membrane does not matter (no bad effect...
  4. Tobias.d

    Can a double pass RO system be made with residential ro membrane?

    Hello there. I came across this thread while doing a search on the internet. Which substance should be used between the two membranes in the system mentioned in the subject? As far as i understand caustic is used for this job, but from what i researched, it is not a very safe substance (at least...
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