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  1. JOE_DYI

    2 inch Cast iron well pipe, 1.25 inch PVC wel pipe inside that, won't come out.

    Well, it went like this. I eventually got a hold on the top edge of the pipe with a pair of super long pliers. I managed to pull the pipe out of the well in one big piece. I measured it as 28 feet to the check valve that was on the bottom. I took some fishing line and a sinker from my tackle...
  2. JOE_DYI

    2 inch Cast iron well pipe, 1.25 inch PVC wel pipe inside that, won't come out.

    My well has been in over 15 years, it is a 2 inch cast iron pipe, and it has a 1.25" PVC pipe inside that that goes down to the well point. I noticed when I lifted the PVC to try and take it out, it was stick in a major way. Possibly from mineral deposits built-up on it over all those years...
  3. JOE_DYI

    Advice replacing old water heater

    I live in Florida, and we have warm temps most of the year. The water heater is kept in the garage and the garage is usually warmer than the outside temperature most times of the year. I'm telling you this, because it is relevant to the choice i made for my water heater. When I had to replace my...
  4. JOE_DYI

    Need Well Advice

    When i moved into my current house, I had a well drilled. They left a cast iron pipe , at least 2", maybe more, and the well pipe is PVC down the center. One day after 12 years, the pump was having a hard time getting primed, and it is a deep well, maybe 120 feet, and I live closer to water...
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