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  1. Joan Duncan

    Well working toilet that looks like a Toto Clayton

    Oh well then great! I just read a review online that wasn't favorable but that's why I come to you — my first intro to Toto years ago and still going strong! Thanks for everything!
  2. Joan Duncan

    Well working toilet that looks like a Toto Clayton

    I have a client who has an old, I'm guessing, Kohler Memoirs toilet that she loves. We're getting two new toilets and I found the Toto Clayton but the reviews say it's horrible with splatter. Any suggestions for a traditional look like these but great flushing? May I have the finish applied that...
  3. Joan Duncan

    Retrofit a shower panel in place of existing Price Pfister

    I made a mistake as a Designer in installing a crappy shower panelshower system with a handheld unit and Price Pfister w/o a handheld head. Now I want to put in a shower panel that includes a handheld and maybe jets. My husband is a DIYer and says we need a retrofit which is proving very...
  4. Joan Duncan

    What to look for in a lav faucet when PSI low

    We have a cain that has a PSI of 20. What do I look for in a lav faucet to ensure proper function? Do I need to use a two handle faucet — would prefer one handle but just want to get a nice one that will work. I bought one of the kitchen faucets with a sprayer and was told by a contractor that I...
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