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  1. Stokestack

    How do I get pipes tightened at precise angles?

    Thanks, but this application requires that I be able to adjust the angles and then tighten them instantly; no waiting for threadlock. Two unions ended up working perfectly. Here's the final result. Now we can see the relevant oncoming traffic full-size, and not a bunch of other crap we...
  2. Stokestack

    How do I get pipes tightened at precise angles?

    Thanks, guys. I ended up only needing two length of pipe, so I put unions in each. I don't have a welder and really don't want to drill through iron elbows to place set screws, so I think this'll work. I'll post pics when I'm done.
  3. Stokestack

    How do I get pipes tightened at precise angles?

    Thanks for the replies, guys. The pipes do in fact need to be fully tightened; or at least the last one does, because it's going to be holding a considerable weight (the mirror within a large wooden frame) that will want to flop over if the thing isn't tight.
  4. Stokestack

    How do I get pipes tightened at precise angles?

    Hi all. I have a non-plumbing scenario that nonetheless involves regular pipe. I'm using 3/4" pipe to mount a driveway mirror on a vertical wooden beam. The mirror is in a wooden frame that I built, to which I plan to attach a flange to accept the pipe. I plan to get the pipe to the desired...
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