Search results

  1. MtnM

    Adapters to make a pull-out Kitchen spray hose work with a side sprayer

    I will put an ordinary side spray on the hose. The adapter for that transition was easy to find. My goal is to get a more flexible hose than the normal vinyl style, and also longer. Thanks for the response.
  2. MtnM

    Adapters to make a pull-out Kitchen spray hose work with a side sprayer

    I did my best with the search function but couldn't find an answer. I'd like to replace the hose on my Delta Kitchen side sprayer with the very nice, flexible, and longer metal type used for pull down kitchen faucet sprayers. The problem is finding the right adapter to go between the pull...
  3. MtnM

    Can I use a different tank on a Toto Promenade?

    Thanks for the great advice. This forum is tremendous help. Mike
  4. MtnM

    Can I use a different tank on a Toto Promenade?

    Thank you for the reply. So, I'm guessing I can't mix and match a different tank with the Promenade? Just for clarity I'm fairly certain the specs on the Ultramax elongated come in at over 28", and I need the round Ultramax MS853113 to get the 26.5" length. I'm only picking the round versions...
  5. MtnM

    Can I use a different tank on a Toto Promenade?

    It seems the Toto Promenade matches most of what I need to replace my 30 year old toilet (around 26" length, comfort height, gloss finish, 1.6 gallon flush). But the tall tank looks strange. I live in a smaller home (900 sq ft), so I am very aware of space. Can I use a different tank on the...
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