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  1. Mswlogo

    Will Katalox Light Alone Solve my Iron Problem

    They both need high pH. One is pure (heavy, hard to backwash, will last a long time) the other is coated (lighter, easy to backwash and won’t last as long).
  2. Mswlogo

    New house, iron and other impurities, katalox and

    Since your Iron isn’t that high you might consider a water softener. It would bring hardness to 0, Iron to 0 and Manganese to 0. You have high pH with helps Iron filters get the Manganese out. But if your pH dips, Iron filter might not get Manganese out.
  3. Mswlogo

    Will Katalox Light Alone Solve my Iron Problem

    My guess is probably. I have pH 7.0 and 7.7 iron and Filox (similar stuff) gets rid of all iron. It did not get rid of the Manganese though.
  4. Mswlogo

    suggestions for low pH water

    If you end up with an Iron Filter some of them have high rate and frequency of backwash that you would not want in the septic either. Put in a separate dry well for all backwash. I was warned on our new Septic that all warranties are void if we backwash ANYTHING into it. I looked into...
  5. Mswlogo

    Can brine tank be placed farther from the softener

    FYI You’re in a thread almost 10 years old. But 25ft sounds like trouble to me. It’s a siphon. And not at a very fast flow because it’s at the rate the brine flows through the resin.
  6. Mswlogo

    dark specs in water

    If the water heater has no rod there might be a reason for it. hydrogen sulfide.
  7. Mswlogo

    Looking for recommendations for filtration system

    His softener resin might need replacing too and probably over worked with tired Katalox. I think his system, as is, might do the job and just needs a major refresh.
  8. Mswlogo

    Is 60000 grains too big for 2 people?

    15 grains * 100 gallons * 30 days is 45,000 grains So it’s more than you need but not excessively more. That’s pretty hard water. Test strips are not that accurate.
  9. Mswlogo

    Can Clack WS1 show gpm during backwash?

    When my Clack WS1 Valve is in Normal Filter mode I can step through various displays (gallons left on regen, gpm etc.). Can I display gpm during backwash? I tend to not want to mess with the valve while in the regen cycle as I don’t want to mess it up. Be kind of nice to check what it...
  10. Mswlogo

    Regen Periodically with High Salt Dose?

    With those numbers you’d be regen-ing every 2.5 days. That’s 22 40 Lb bags of salt a year. Most systems are sized to regen between 7-14 days. Besides getting something to measure hardness you should probably get a full professional water test and make sure there isn’t any other problems...
  11. Mswlogo

    Small tank Katalox AIO3 Iron filter (35" media tank physical space restrictions)

    I don’t think the little bit of air in the top of any tank will work very well due to the small contact area short exposure time. I have air injection on mine but I never bothered to use it. I’d be curious if it makes a big difference for anyone. I have 7.7 Iron and Filox (similar stuff) and...
  12. Mswlogo

    Regen Periodically with High Salt Dose?

    6 lbs per regen sounds really low for that much hardness. Are you sure it’s not 6 lbs / cu ft? 17 gpg is considered extremely hard water. How many cu ft resin do you have? How have you set up all your other parameters?
  13. Mswlogo

    How do you prep a new Softener Brine tank?

    I think I figured out how it works and how to prep it. I have it programmed to pretty low capacity 20,000 because I don’t want it going to long between regens because of Manganese. Shooting for 14 days. So it’s only putting in water for 6.5 lbs of salt. And that comes to 2500 gallons. I run...
  14. Mswlogo

    How do you prep a new Softener Brine tank?

    less verbose form of my questions above Do I just put a little extra water into brine tank (first time) (on top of the normal fill amount)? Can I use 4.5 lbs salt at 15,000 grains capacity (on a 1.5 cu ft system)?
  15. Mswlogo

    How do you prep a new Softener Brine tank?

    One other question. I’m running at 6 lbs per cu ft. Which is 9 lbs per regen or 30,000 grains on a 48,000 grain softener. But at our water usage rate that might regen past 28 days. Maybe 45. If I only have 0.5 ppm of Manganese is that still a problem keeping it in the resin for that long? Is any...
  16. Mswlogo

    How do you prep a new Softener Brine tank?

    Just installed 1.5 cu Clack WS1 water softener and seems to be working good. But I have not put salt in yet (I’ll be using Potasium). And have a few questions. During a regen cycle does it suck the brine dry? I know I can force it through cycles to get it to the fill stage and let it fill it...
  17. Mswlogo

    Water softener (& size) vs Calcite to solve Manganese

    The First filter is a 1.5 cu ft Filox. It’s doing a good job getting rid of all the iron. But their might have been a trace getting through. That’s partly why I didn’t want to mess with that. We have 7.7 ppm Iron (but I think it varies seasonally). Since pH was 7.0 Filox didn’t get the...
  18. Mswlogo

    Water softener (& size) vs Calcite to solve Manganese

    Water Softener is in and Manganese is now 0 ppm It’s 1.5 cu ft. Of Resin. I set it to 9lbs for 30,000 grains (6lbs per Cu ft) Hardness I set to 8 (rounded up from a little over 7. My hardness is 3.7 with Manganese at 0.5 ppm. It reported regen every 3600 gallons. But I also set it to not...
  19. Mswlogo

    Water softener (& size) vs Calcite to solve Manganese

    I tried doing a Manganese test right at the output of the iron filter immediately after a back wash (and a good 20 min flush) and no change in Manganese level. This is a really good article on removing Manganese. It says if the conditions are right a water softener is great tool for removing...
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