Stack pipe/sewer ?

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Hi! This spring, the city came to clean the sewer on the street where my rental house is located. My renter freaked out as the sewer gas smell was very prominent in the house and also mentioned that the toilet was not flushing properly afterwards and the kitchen sink drained when they were cleaning too. She asked the crew working on the sewers and he suggested running water via a hose down the stink pipe. (The sewer lines from under the house to the road were replaced in 2011 and passed city inspection. He said it wasn't anything they were doing and it was likely debris in the stink pipe causing the problem. She now is asking for a screen to be put on the vent to keep debris from going down the pipe. The house is in Michigan and where the pipe is located is under the canopy of a large Maple tree. I have read conflicting advice as to whether or not screens are A good idea. Also regarding the i have a problem here or is this common with city living? The house was built in 1949.
Thanks in advance for your advice!