
  1. VikkiP

    Kitchen sink drain moving - getting quotes and want to be sure design is right

    Greetings. We're renovating a 1940s house with a basement, and plumbing rework is necessary. The kitchen and bath share a 6" wet wall. The kitchen sink is moving 15 feet away from the 3" C.I. main stack, to a new location in a small dining room addition over a separate crawl space. The...
  2. BackwardsPTrap

    Wet Vent Takeoff Argument

    One thing I'm having a hard time finding information on is how to properly connect fixture drains to a wet vent. So many diagrams I see in books and online show a wet vent setup where fixture trap arms dump into the wet vent at a downward 45° angle. This doesn't make any sense to me. Isn't this...