Recent content by TK3000

  1. T

    Results of Sewer Line Scope

    I don’t know much about sewer lines, but I would imagine that it would either need to be repaired or replaced. Replacing sounds like a big undertaken (including breaking slabs, excavating, digging in, etc). Also, I heard about some approaches in repairing it (like cure-in-place and pipe bursting...
  2. T

    Results of Sewer Line Scope

    Yeah, but the inspection report looks very concerning. The seller indicated that he will have evaluated and repaired. I indicated that he would have to pull a permit and have a city inspector approve it. Hopefully, it will work out at the end.
  3. T

    Results of Sewer Line Scope

    At first, I thought it was cast iron. I guess the build-up over time… But the inspection sheet indicates that it is PVC. Inside the house, it is all PVC; but that does not mean that it is PVC underground as well. The seller indicated that he will contract with a plumber to evaluate and repair it.
  4. T

    Results of Sewer Line Scope

    Hello Folks, I am looking into buying a house. Among the inspections performed, was a scope of the sewer line. The scope inspection found quite a few issues: 1) “displaced pipe joist” which I believe is a typo and should be “displaced pipe joint”; 2) “possible displacement of pipes”; 3) a...
  5. T

    Water Meter Yoke replacement

    I removed an old water meter yoke whereon the valve was leaking, and it is all out now: Everything seemed simple and familiar until I faced the black plastic water line pipe: The previous leaking valve was held in place by the fitting making contact with flanges built into the...
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