Recent content by tevering

  1. T

    several station on at once

    Thanks for your help Wet Boots Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks to Wet Boots for all your input. Well would you believe it was all operater error. Apparantly when I shut down the system last year I must have turned the flow control knobs on the valves for 3 and 4 zones. By the time...
  2. T

    several station on at once

    There was algae build up in the filter that I cleaned several times last summer. I figured that when I bought the system that the guy would provide the correct components since he knew I was pulling from a pond and he did the design. If I pull the valves apart and fine algae what valves...
  3. T

    several station on at once

    This is set up with a 1.5 hp Myers pump to a pond without any tank. I have a 2" pipe from pond to pump and 1.5" to the valves. I pulled the line out of the pond and cleaned the foot so it is clean and I was getting water. I have checked the voltage at the controller and it was putting out 24v...
  4. T

    several station on at once

    Still stuck Thanks for the info. The controller is a Orbit #5704. I had a short in the first one I had in the system and they sent me a new one that worked all last season. When I first turned it on this season the pump wouldn't run. After tracing all the wire to the pump, relay and...
  5. T

    several station on at once

    Wet boots No. I only have 5 valves in the system. Thanks for the reply. Whats your thoughts.
  6. T

    several station on at once

    Hello everyone. I got a 6 zone controller with 5 zones in use. I put the system in last year and it worked great. Now I turned the controller back on and had to reset it to tell it a pump was there. Got that solved and now have a problem with several stations on at the same time. I have checked...
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