Recent content by Martin Fick

  1. Martin Fick

    Navien 240a external recirculation settings with thermal comfort valve.

    This Taco valve can even be cleaned easily.
  2. Martin Fick

    Navien 240a external recirculation settings with thermal comfort valve.

    Here is an adjustable flow rate valve: 1) I wonder if that would be, or could be adjusted to be quieter. 2) I wonder...
  3. Martin Fick

    Navien 240a external recirculation settings with thermal comfort valve.

    As for parameters 12 & 14, I would at least try to play with them to see if it helps. Personally I would start by setting parameter 12 to 1 minute. Then if that doesn't work, I would keep it at 1 minute, and then set 14 to 1 minute, and I would also try 14 at its max. If setting parameter 12 to...
  4. Martin Fick

    Navien 240a external recirculation settings with thermal comfort valve.

    I wonder if this valve would be quieter:
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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